Saturday, August 22, 2009

The advantage of agriculture

hai this page i would like to discuss about advantage of agriculture.have many part of advantage,so i was give 4 advantage of agriculture.... time

-the plant can grow up in the short time.So,the plant can grow in a big farmland.

-it’s because the plant was a new genetic and have a good quality with plant process

-planting process with the modern technology such as mechine.Before this,farmer farm with the traditional process such as a heo,cleaver and animal to dig the soil.

2. have a good quality

-after the process technology,scientist was encountering a way to generate a good family for plant and animal.

3.the plant can be grow up with the time and season after the progrecess constancy of farmer. cost to farming

-have a good quality from any negative effect.

-give the fertilizer in a same quantity.Every plant can grow up in the same time and in the same quality.

to all my group members i hope you all can give many part of advantage or disadvantage of agriculture.

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